4 DIY Natural Home Remedies – No Nasties!

There are thousands of different synthetic chemicals used in common household products that people (and their families) are exposed to every day, without realising this could really affect their health. You’d be surprised how many toxins and chemicals are hidden in the long list of ingredients in manufactured products – a lot of which have not been…

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Organic jaggery powder benefits and uses

Jaggery is not just a natural sweetener for Indians. These orange blocks of sweetness have been part of our culture since ages. You will find Jaggery in every kitchen waiting to be taken out to be used in traditional sweets. In fact, Jaggery being cooked in the kitchen is a sign that a festival is…

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Summer Cool Offs – Why and How to Grow Wheatgrass at Home

It is a common fact that eating right is essential to stay healthy during summers. There are many vegetables and fruits we all know like watermelons, cucumbers, oranges, pineapples and we’ve all heard of their benefits as well. However, it is not easy to fit in all the options in our daily diet. This is…

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